Hi Everybody! My name is Pranav Karthik. Some of my hobbies are chess, and programming. I am in 6th grade at Odle Middle School. I just created this blog! That's all for this welcome post. See you all next time!
Hi Everybody! This is Pranav here and today we are going to be learning how to play the magnificent board game of chess. It is pretty simple to learn the basics but if you want to become a master at the game there is a vast amount of things you need to learn. Let's get started. The chess board is a 8x8 checkered board consisting of 64 squares. There are 6 different types of pieces, pawn, bishop, knight, rook, queen, and king. The bishop, knight, and rook come in pairs. There are 8 pawns and 1 of the king and queen. These 16 pieces are one players pieces. They are white or black. The other player will have, all of these pieces but in the opposite color. In the starting position the pawns will be on the second row and the other pieces will be on the back row like this. Now the pawn can move one square at a time except at the starting. At that time it can move one or two squares. It can capture other pieces diagonally except when it is capturing en passant...
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